Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Getting an Award Is So Cool!

What a weekend! I'm just getting to process it today since I spent yesterday at school and taught my last clay class for the fifth graders. First the big news, My Lydia hats took second prize in the fiber category at the Bruce Museum Craft Festival!!! The day started with me walking by the other booths to set up and fighting down my doubts. This is a very nice high end craft show, by far the best place that I have shown my hats. But it was too late to turn back or worry about it so I got busy setting up. As with any outdoor event, the weather was an issue. Saturday was cold and wet with long stretches of rain which meant that attendance was low. I wore a wool hat all day and was probably the only vendor who didn't freeze. One woman actually offered to buy the sweater off my back! Sunday was the exact opposite, hot and sunny so foot traffic was up. I sold the majority of hats on Saturday but was glad for everybody else that Sunday cleared off. I assumed that people were not interested in buyig a wool hat on such a warm day, I got a lot of positive feedback. But late in the day my neighbor asked how I was doing and to my surprise, they had also done better on Saturday. The folks who braved the wet weather on Saturday were serious and came to buy. Sunday's attendance was better but it seemed that a lot of that traffic was just there to wander around on a pretty spring day. Well, one never knows... Still I am pleased with the experience though I don't plan to do another outdoor show until Sept.

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